I penned this while on my way up to New York for a funeral. I had another post in mind, which will probably be my next one, but thought this was apropos as I finally begin this journey as a blogger. Although I’m not traveling far physically, I still see this as a grand adventure. My hope is this helps you as you navigate yours.
It’s just me heading up. My husband and daughters have to work, and the girls also have plans this weekend. What I’ve known since the day I was married and then had my children really overwhelms me.
I hate being away from my family.
It’s not that I need to be sitting next to them 24/7 or measure every breath they take (which I did do when my girls were babies!). I just want to be in their sphere. It’s about feeling lonely. It’s also about being in control.
As the Acela pulled out of Union Station, it hit me that both are an illusion. I am never alone. I have my Savior beside me. I even heard him say, “C’mon Susan, let’s take a trip together. Just you and me.” And with that, peace washed over me, a smile spread across my face and my heart felt lighter. “Okay,” I answered. “Let’s go!”
And that control thing? Yeah, like I said, an illusion – which is totally okay. Because, Jesus.
The thing is, I should have this attitude every day. I should wake up every morning and before my feet hit the floor, I ought to give thanks and say, “Let’s take a trip today, Lord. You and me.”
What a great way to navigate life.